Paper 30 Personalities of the Grand Universe Page 331
5. Recents of Days.
6. Unions of Days.
7. Faithfuls of Days.
8. Perfectors of Wisdom.
9. Divine Counselors.
10. Universal Censors.
C. Trinity-origin and Trinitized Beings.
1. Trinity Teacher Sons.
2. Inspired Trinity Spirits.
3. Havona Natives.
4. Paradise Citizens.
5. Unrevealed Trinity-origin Beings.
6. Unrevealed Deity-trinitized Beings.
7. Trinitized Sons of Attainment.
8. Trinitized Sons of Selection.
9. Trinitized Sons of Perfection.
10. Creature-trinitized Sons.
II. DUAL-ORIGIN BEINGS. Those of origin in any two of the Paradise Deities or otherwise created by any two beings of direct or indirect descent from the Paradise Deities.
A. The Descending Orders.
1. Creator Sons.
2. Magisterial Sons.
3. Bright and Morning Stars.
4. Father Melchizedeks.
5. The Melchizedeks.
6. The Vorondadeks.
7. The Lanonandeks.
8. Brilliant Evening Stars.
9. The Archangels.
10. Life Carriers.
11. Unrevealed Universe Aids.
12. Unrevealed Sons of God.
B. The Stationary Orders.
1. Abandonters.
2. Susatia.
3. Univitatia.
4. Spironga.
5. Unrevealed Dual-origin Beings.
C. The Ascending Orders.
1. Adjuster-fused Mortals.
2. Son-fused Mortals.
3. Spirit-fused Mortals.
4. Translated Midwayers.
5. Unrevealed Ascenders.