Paper 28 Ministering Spirits of the Superuniverses Page 306 PAPER 28 - MINISTERING SPIRITS OF THE SUPERUNIVERSES As the supernaphim are the angelic hosts of the central universe and the seraphim of the local universes, so are the seconaphim the ministering spirits of the superuniverses. In degree of divinity and in potential of supremacy, however, these children of the Reflective Spirits are much more like supernaphim than seraphim. They serve not alone in the supercreations, and both numerous and intriguing are the transactions sponsored by their unrevealed associates. As presented in these narratives, the ministering spirits of the superuniverses embrace the following three orders: 1. The Seconaphim. 2. The Tertiaphim. 3. The Omniaphim. Since the latter two orders are not so directly concerned with the ascendant scheme of mortal progression, they will be briefly discussed prior to the more extended consideration of seconaphim. Technically, neither tertiaphim nor omniaphim are ministering spirits of the superuniverses, though both serve as spirit ministers in these domains. 1. THE TERTIAPHIM These high angels are of record on the superuniverse headquarters, and despite service in the local creations, technically they are residents of these superuniverse capitals inasmuch as they are not native to the local universes. Tertiaphim are children of the Infinite Spirit and are personalized on Paradise in groups of one thousand. These supernal beings of divine originality and near-supreme versatility are the gift of the Infinite Spirit to the Creator Sons of God. When a Michael Son is detached from the parental regime of Paradise and is made ready to go forth on the universe adventure of space, the Infinite Spirit is delivered of a group of one thousand of these companion spirits. And these majestic tertiaphim accompany this Creator Son when he embarks upon the adventure of universe organization. Throughout the early times of universe building, these one thousand tertiaphim are the only personal staff of a Creator Son. They acquire a mighty experience as Son assistants during these stirring ages of universe assembling and other astronomical manipulations. They serve by the side of the Creator Son until the day of the personalization of the Bright and Morning Star, the first-born ![]() ©Urantia.Ru